Quick Pre-Approval


    Purchase Price Ranges:

    Available Down Payment:


    Borrower Name:

    Social Security Number:

    Date of Birth:

    Present Address:

    Rent or Own: RentOwn

    Years at Address:

    Marital Status:

    Home Number:

    Cell Number:

    Work Number:

    Email Address:



    Current Monthly Salary:

    Title / Position:

    Type of Business:

    Self Employed: YesNo

    Years at Job:

    Years in Business:


    Name of Bank(s):


    Type of Account(s): CheckingSavings

    Additional Financial Income: (child support, alimony, monetary gifts, etc.)


    I authorize Florida Dream Real Estate and their In-house lender to retrieve a copy of my credit report for the purposes of purchasing a property.

    If you have a co-borrower, please have them submit this form as well.

    Items Needed for Loan Application:

    — Copies of paystubs for all jobs (most recent 4 weeks)
    — Copies of W-2’s and 1099’s for past two years
    — Copies of Complete and Signed personal tax returns for past two years
    — Copies of 3 months bank statements, All Accounts and All Pages including:
    — Checking, Savings, Money Market, Brokerage, Mutual Funds, Stocks and Bonds
    — Copies of drivers license and Social Security cards

    If you are retired or receive a pension or Social Security Income:
    — Copies of last two years Social Security Awards Letter
    — Copies of last two years pension 1098 or 1099

    If you are self employed or you received a 1099:
    — Copies of Complete and Signed Corporate tax returns for last two years
    — K-1’s

    If you are a veteran, active duty, reservist or retired military:
    — Copy of DD-214
    — Copy of Certificate of Eligibility (Request this or ordered by lender if you do not have one)

    If you have rental properties:
    — Copies of all leases (should be current and signed by all parties)
    — If you have 3 or more residential properties, please provide a schedule of real estate to include the following:

    -- Property Addresses
    -- Type of property i.e., SFR, T-home, Condo, land or commercial
    -- Purchase date
    -- Amount Paid
    -- Lender holding loan(s)
    -- Recent property tax statement
    -- Current home owner's insurance statement
    -- Annual HOA fees

    If you are paying or receiving child support or alimony:
    — Copy of Divorce Decree
    — Evidence of child support and/or alimony documents
    — Separation Agreement

    If you have had a bankruptcy or foreclosure:
    — Complete bankruptcy documents including discharge and settlement
    — Complete foreclosure documents

    If you are relocating with your company:
    — Copy of relocation package
    — Employer letter stating this is a MANDATORY relocation including date and location for relocation